
USANA Family to Expand to Thailand USANA將於第四季度在泰國開始營運

USANA Health Sciences

USANA Family to Expand to Thailand


Dear USANA Associates,


I am pleased to announce that the USANA Family will continue its international expansion with the opening of its 16th market—Thailand—in the fourth quarter of 2011. This announcement comes on the heels of our expansion into China through BabyCare, and we couldn’t be more excited to offer yet another incredible business-building opportunity to our valued Associates.


USANA has had an amazing year and we have no intention of slowing down! Thailand has a long direct selling history, particularly with nutritional supplements and skin-care products. We believe USANA will be a perfect fit. In fact, according to the WFDSA, Thailand is the 13th largest country in the world in terms of retail U.S. dollars generated from direct selling, and the 5th largest market in all of Asia, with estimated sales of over $1.5 billion dollars.* This makes Thailand one of the top markets in the world for businesses like USANA.


For many of you, entering Thailand will provide an important opportunity to build your business in a market where you and your teams already have strong ties. Keep an eye out for additional information regarding the opening of Thailand along with more details about how and when you can begin expanding your business there on USANAtoday.com soon.


In the meantime, we hope you’ll join us in celebrating just one more exciting step in sharing Dr. Wentz’ vision of true health with the rest of the world. We wish you and your teams the greatest success in our newest market!


Live well,


Dave Wentz

CEO, USANA Health Sciences


USANA Health Sciences執行長

*Based on 2009 data


