

Dr. Ray Strand
Author of "Bionutrition" and "What Your Doctor Doesn't Know about Nutritional Medicine May be Killing You", Ray Strand, M.D., is a family practitioner in Rapid City, South Dakota who also specializes in nutritional medicine. Click below to visit Ray Strand's websites. Look for his information about 'oxidative stress' and 'free radical damage' to understand the very foundation behind this kind of treatment which compliments conventional medicine.
website of dr.ray strand
      美国家庭科医师权威 — 雷使特医师(美国南达科他州、《别让不懂营养学的医生害了你》的作者)
Dr. Christiane Northrup, Ob/Gyn
Christiane Northrup is internationally known for her visionary, empowering approach to women's health and wellness. As a practicing physician for over 20 years, Dr. Northrup is a leading proponent of medicine and healing that acknowledges the unity of the mind and body, as well as the powerful role of the human spirit in creating health. Dr. Northrup is author of several best-selling books on women's health including "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" and "The Wisdom of Menopause".
website of dr. christiane northrup, ob/gyn     
  美国名妇产科医师 — 娜司娜普医师、妇女身心灵保健之权威、著名的妇女健康畅销作家
Dr. Christine Wood, Pediatrics
Christine Wood, M.D. has been a practicing pediatrician since 1982 and is currently in private practice with UCSD/El Camino Pediatrics. Dr. Wood has become an international spokesperson regarding the role of nutrition and nutritional supplementation in the lives of children today. She has lectured at medical conferences to physicians and pediatric residents regarding the research in the area of pediatric nutrition and the role of vitamins and minerals in disease. She presents workshops for parents on healthy feeding ideas for children.
website provided by dr. christine wood, pediatrician
      美国知名小儿科医师 — 伍蒂丝医师(美国加州圣地亚哥市)、儿童营养学国际级演说家、在内儿科医学大会中发表小儿营养与疾病论文。
Dr. Laz Bannock
Dr. Bannock is well known physician in the United Kingdom. He is a regular quoted expert or feature in many UK national newspapers, radio, and television. He has authored and co-authored many publications and research papers including the reference book 'Clinical Human Nutrition' and 'Applied Clinical Nutrition', as well as the many articles and newsletters found on the humannutrition.com website (below).
Current writing projects include 'Probiotics in Clinical Practice' and 'A Justification for Nutritional Supplementation'.
website of dr. laz bannock
英国皇家御医 — 班那克医师(经常出现在英国电视、广播、报章媒体的医师,撰写众多著作)
Dr. Ladd McNamara
Dr. Ladd McNamara, M.D., a practitioner in Atlanta, Georgia; Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology and author of "Medical Resource Manual - For Dietary Supplementation". . "It is extremely gratifying to hear from my patients that they have never been better, and that no prior treatment has ever helped them as much as the nutrients and antioxidants." 优莎娜系列产品
     美国名妇产科医师 – 麦勒马华医师(美国乔治雅州亚特兰大市)