
USANA最新推出的妇康宝 - 女人的救星!!!


USANA's latest product

If you are about to be 40 years old, there may be some peri-menstrual symptoms and even begin to enter the menopause. But life after the age of 40 is not just a matter of menopause. You can still fully enjoy the fun of life!
A nutritional supplement for women to help your body adjust to the stage of menopause (premen/post and menopause during menopause).
❤️ Help women maintain women's healthy physiological functions
❤️ Helps relieve the discomfort caused by menopausal symptoms
❤️Assist in the normal hot flash cycle due to menopause
❤️ Help maintain healthy bone density
❤️ Helps maintain the normal function of female hormones