

Question:Why does USANA prefer tablets over liquids?为什麽USANA偏好锭剂胜过液体形式?
Answer:Many liquid supplement manufacturers claim that because their product is in a liquid form it is more bioavailable. In fact, some even use phony statements regarding the Physician's Desk Reference to support such claims. The statement they reference about liquid supplements being more bioavailable first appeared in the PDR under a listing for a specific nutritional supplement product. That statement has since been removed because it was false and could not be substantiated.
Nutrients are typically absorbed by the small intestine (unless they are taken sublingually or injected). When you ingest a supplement in either a liquid or tablet form, it must first pass through the stomach before reaching the small intestine. If liquids were simply absorbed directly into the bloodstream, as some supplement companies claim, would the same happen when you ate soup?
Bioavailability is defined as the degree and rate at which a substance (as a drug) is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity. Different vitamins and minerals have different absorption rates regardless of whether they come from a tablet, liquid, powder, or food. Calcium, for example, has a pretty standard absorption rate (around 25-35%) - the form does not generally make a significant difference.

注1: 1977 年美国 FDA 对于药品的生体利用率做了以下的定义: “Bioavailability means the rate and extent to which the active ingredient or therapeutic moiety is absorbed from a drug product and becomes available at the site of drug action.”

A well-made tablet provides a very effective delivery system and is the chosen form of most pharmaceutical medications. This is because tablets have been shown to be a very efficient delivery system for medications. Why would vitamin and mineral supplements be any different? Does anybody doubt that an aspirin tablet is less effective because it comes in a tablet?
Tableted products provide the advantage of an increased amount of active ingredient (almost 3x as much as a capsule and much more than a liquid or spray). In general, the stability of tablets is also superior to liquids.
Additionally, there are many factors that can affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. Some of these factors are a function of the person taking the nutrient and are dependent on the age of the person, the integrity of their digestive system, the state of their health, the time of day, the person's gender, and if the supplements were taken on a full or empty stomach.
People whose nutrient needs are greater - such as growing children, pregnant or lactating women, and those who are currently deficient - may have significantly enhanced absorption rates for certain nutrients.
Recently, some individuals and companies have made claims that their products are superior because they are "98% absorbed" or some similar number. This is a misleading statement because there are far too many variables to imply that an individual's absorption is a certain percent of the material consumed. Even absorption of minerals from food sources can vary significantly. Boron, molybdenum, and iodine can be absorbed at over 90 percent, while the average absorption rates of zinc, copper, and selenium can range from 30 to 80 percent depending on the form. It should seem reasonable, then, that stating an absorption rate on a package or in advertising is very misleading.
USANA tablets are formulated to meet United States Pharmacopoeia standards, which require full disintegration within 30-45 min. They are also formulated to meet standards for dissolution. Because USANA tablets are formulated to these standards, the vitamins and minerals found in our supplements are properly absorbed into the body.
Innovative formulations have been developed to optimize nutrient bioavailability. Each lot of USANA tablets is tested against finished product specifications to ensure that it meets standards for identity, target weight, hardness, thickness, disintegration, potency, purity, and microbial counts. USANA provides its vitamins and minerals in amounts and forms so that, in conjunction with a healthy diet, you will receive maximum bioavailability, full effectiveness, and uncompromised safety.
The supplement industry itself originated on account of published studies in formal scientific literature that used tableted forms of vitamins and minerals to establish what we now regard as common nutritional knowledge. With thousands of studies connecting calcium and vitamin D supplements with bone health, it is nearly impossible to dispute that tableted supplements provide an effective delivery system. If tablets weren't bioavailable, why did so many researchers get positive results? If liquid or spray supplements are so much better, why are they rarely, if ever, used in published scientific research?
(Keep in mind that we are speaking of multimineral and multivitamin formulations. There may be certain products, such as children's medicine, that are more appropriate in a liquid form. However, these are the exceptions, not the rule.)
Finally, liquid supplement promoters often contend that liquids are better because they don't contain fillers (excipients used in tablets for disintegration, form, binding, coating, etc). This is perhaps the most ridiculous argument of all, since liquid supplements require even more "other" ingredients, such as emulsifiers, solvents, preservatives, stabilizing agents, coloring, flavoring, etc. Generally speaking, the more vitamin and mineral ingredients there are in a liquid supplement, the more excipients that product will require.

